A community project created by Carolina Mayorga.
ARTidotes is an ambitious community project, created by Carolina Mayorga to integrate art into daily life throughout Washington, DC, and highlighting art’s active role in the community as an accessible and therapeutic resource.
This project is inspired by the mission and values promoted by the Healing Arts Gallery and curated by Irene Clouthier and in partnership with the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, Smith Center’s Artist in Residence Program at Inova Schar Cancer Institute, 17 local and international artists of a variety of disciplines, and you! In-gallery Artist Residencies with Heloisa Escudero, Zsudayka Nzinga Terrell, Travis Childers, Marta Staudinger, and Alexandra Delafkaran
ARTidotes press quality images

Carolina Mayorga
On January 14th live-streamed performance of Las Princesas by Carolina Mayorga in collaboration with DC based singer/songwriter Greg Svitil.

Live stream artist talk
Live streamed Performance

Facebook Live Virtual Workshop with Colombia based artists LaColectiva

El arte es un antídoto frente a la pandemia, crean ARTídotos: un proyecto colectivo y expansivo
LaColectiva expone en la obra internacional de Carolina Mayorga, ARTídotos